Wilderness Systems’ 2014 Pro Staff Set to Take Kayak Angling to the Next Level E-mail
Tuesday, 17 June 2014 09:38


The growing team of top kayak anglers will compete in high profile tournaments, provide quality instruction, and give product feedback for boat designs

GREENVILLE, S.C. (June 9, 2014) – Wilderness Systems' 2014 Pro Staff is an all-star cast of thirty-six professional anglers who are pushing the increasingly popular sport of kayak angling to the next level through competition, instruction, and product development. While the brand has invested in the Pro Staff program for years, for the 2014 season Wilderness Systems is offering more kayak fishing leadership and coverage across the sport than ever before, including female and international anglers and experts across the categories of flat, off-shore, salt, and fresh water fishing.

Part of this growth has been made possible by appointing four regional managers to oversee the team, promote the sport, and ensure the brand is able to get perspective on kayak angling trends, needs, and news from all over the country. Managers are Jeff Little, Bobby Clark, CJ Siebler, and Troy Meyerhoeffer. Additionally, Wilderness Systems welcomes eight newcomers: Cody Carpenter, Jonathan Leavitt, Jeff Malott, Jedediah Plunkert, Brenden Terrill, Callie Shumway, Jim Smith, and Mike Zilkowsky.

"The Wilderness Systems Pro Staff anglers are experts on everything related to kayak fishing and their insights and vast knowledge base are vital to the angling community as well as our brand's design process," said Evan Lyendecker, marketing manager for Wilderness Systems. "By investing in the expansion of our carefully screened Pro Staff, we can, as a brand, cover more tournaments, host more retail demos and clinics, provide more first-hand product insight to inform design plans, and most importantly, have a larger ambassador group to help educate new anglers and foster the growth of this sport."

The Wilderness Systems Pro Staff anglers will be competing in the world's top fishing tournaments, hosting demos at local shops, guiding angling expeditions, writing informative articles, and hosting television shows throughout the 2014 season. Additionally, they each spend significant time testing an array of new products – some of which will launch at this summer's Icast and Outdoor Retailer tradeshows – and providing feedback to the Wilderness Systems designers. Committed to building the best possible products for kayak anglers, Wilderness Systems relies heavily on continual research and testing from the Pro Staff.

Get to know the Wilderness Systems Pro Staff at www.wildernesssystems.com/community, and stay updated at wildernesssystems.ning.com or facebook.com/WildernessSystemsKayakFishing.

About Wilderness Systems®

Innovative designs tuned for performance, premium outfitting, and superlative quality have aligned Wilderness Systems boats with the most acclaimed paddling experiences in the world. Since 1986, Wilderness Systems has pushed the limits of design and innovation by refusing to compromise. A Wilderness Systems kayak offers the ultimate in performance and design for the recreational boater to the expedition paddler. Taking that same drive into the angling market, Wilderness Systems fishing kayaks exemplify the ultimate experience for anglers. For the times you can't be on water, experience Wilderness Systems at www.wildernesssystems.com and join the Wildy Community.

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Media Contact l Verde Brand Communications l Tessa Byars l This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it l 970.259.3555


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