Kayak Fisherman from Bahrain E-mail
Thursday, 08 October 2009 06:22

It all started when I learned fishing by my Dad, I was 6 years old at the time and from then on it was kind of a way of life, well it evolved into so many ways of catching fish, surf or beach fishing, netting, trapping, boating, trolling, line fishing ( no rods or reels ) we never used to use rods to fish it was just your finger on the line sometimes we wore gloves usually when trolling. The fish we go for or catch vary on the season Mackerel, Barracuda, Tuna, Trevally, Groupers basically we catch what we like to commence on the food table or floor traditional way of eating using hands no silverware included.

We used to travel long distances by boat to go fishing, even though we are in an Island a lot of sand excavation has occurred throughout the years and fish became scarce, not to mention netting and how its uncontrolled use lead to no fish in the sea, its sad I know but in recent years their has been a lot of control measures and laws passed to preserve our shore line and seas. Oh well, we took a different approach we started to travel and go to places where we can get the same joy fishing as we did in the past, so we traveled to different untouched beaches on the east coast of the Arabian Gulf by cars & trucks to set up camp and fish for a whole week to 10 days before we came back home. That kind of gave us the fix we needed for another 3 to 4 months without any serious fishing.

Those expeditions led us to Oman which is situated on the south of Yemen and Saudi Arabia and to the West of the UAE. Oman is known for its fishing culture due to its rich Arabian Sea which is open to the Indian Ocean as well as the Gulf of Oman . It's not like the Arabian gulf where the water is still, its proper Ocean Madness!

Once Oman was discovered and specifically Museera Island in Oman , where we travel to, it became our one stop every year now for about 8 years. The Fishing is Amazing! you can fish on the beach and expect anything on a high tide. Those trips led me into finding ways to go into the water just enough to find fish on a low tide and I didn't really want a boat, I just needed to get to areas that I thought were full of fish. I got to a point where I thought of building a pontoon by two empty oil barrels and 4X8 piece of marine plywood ( it wouldn't of worked cause of the surf + it was stupid). But by now you know I was desperate into getting out there!

I knew nothing about kayaks till after the trip ended and I came back home to my laptop and started surfing the internet for a thing that was similar to what I had in mind. I came across river pontoons at first and thought that this is the best invention ever, I was about to order one till I saw a fully rigged kayak and I was like what the ... is that! And you can imagine what happened later so, yes I'm a kayak fisherman now and its one of the best choices I made on that day.

I don't know any kayak fishermen in our part of the world I may be the only one, but I don't really know, I learned how to do it via internet and previous fishing experience and I'm using rods and reels now but I still eat with my hands!

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