Johnson Outdoors Watercraft Unveils New Pro Staff Program E-mail
Thursday, 02 May 2013 19:47


For Immediate Release
Mike May
Backbone Media
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Old Town, Maine, May 02, 2013 -

Johnson Outdoors Watercraft, home to some of the most iconic paddlesports brands in the industry, today rolled out its new Pro-Staff program. Developed as part of the continued effort to engage the kayak fishing community and promote canoeing and kayaking in general, the Johnson Outdoors Watercraft Pro-Staff and Adventure Team will feature over sixty individuals working across the Necky Kayaks, Ocean Kayak and Old Town Canoes & Kayaks, Carlisle Paddle and Extrasport PFD brands.

Johnson Outdoors Watercraft Pro-Staff members will be broken down into three levels; Premier Pro-Staff, Pro-Staff and Adventure Team. Expectations, level of commitment and brand support will be managed based on members' placement within the program.

Premier pro-staff members are anglers and outdoorsmen and women that are at the leading edge of their sport. They are viewed as "world-class" in their field and showcase a lifestyle that others aspire toward. Pro-Staff members participate regularly at the upper levels of their sport. They are accomplished anglers, outdoorsmen and general sporting enthusiasts, while Adventure Team members are skilled and enthusiastic regional representatives of their sport.

"Our number one goal in launching the new Pro-Staff program is to showcase the adventure paddling affords and to illustrate how accessible canoeing and kayaking can be," said Luke LaBree, Marketing and Communications Director for Johnson Outdoor Watercraft. "We aspire to grow the program, expand our brand advocates in the field and foster the paddlesports market as a whole and we're excited to take the program nationwide in the coming weeks and months. "

Pro-Staff members will be categorized in geographic regions across the U.S. as they act as brand advocates for the Watercraft brands. With support from Johnson Outdoors Watercraft Marketing as well as regional sales reps, Pro-Staff responsibilities will include fishing tournament competitions, tradeshow and dealer event appearances, blogging and sharing their adventures with the public. In return, Pro-Staff and Adventure team members will receive product and financial support from Johnson Outdoors.

"As the sport of kayak fishing grows and more kayak-specific fishing tournaments are established each year, this new team format will help to both promote the Johnson Outdoors Watercraft lines and give Pro-Staff members a sense of community," said John Oast, a long time, east coast Ocean Kayak Pro-Staff member. Adds Texas-based team member Captain Fil Spencer, "Johnson Outdoors has always committed themselves to being at the leading edge of the industry and I see some great things coming down the road as we work together to get people outdoors and onto the water."

More information on the Johnson Outdoors Watercraft Pro-Staff and Adventure team members is coming soon to

JOHNSON OUTDOORS is a leading global outdoor recreation company that turns ideas into adventure with innovative, top-quality products. The company designs, manufactures and markets a portfolio of winning, consumer-preferred brands across four categories: Watercraft, Marine Electronics, Diving and Outdoor Gear. Johnson Outdoors' familiar brands include, among others: Old Town® canoes and kayaks; Ocean Kayak™ and Necky® kayaks; Carlisle® paddles; Extrasport® personal flotation devices; Minn Kota® motors; Cannon® downriggers; Humminbird® marine electronics; LakeMaster® electronic charts; SCUBAPRO® and SUBGEAR® dive equipment; Silva® compasses; Tech4O® digital instruments; and Eureka!® tents. ###


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