Kayak Kevin Cheasapeak Tour E-mail
Wednesday, 15 September 2010 00:00


Kayak Kevin Chesapeake Bay Tour Half Way Basecamp with Kayak Fishing Magazine

Al: Kevin and I have planned our get together for the last few weeks. Our plan was simple, meet up at the half way point of the 600 mile journey and give Kayak Kevin a base camp for the weekend. As the date came closer there was a cold front and a driving rain on the bay. They were calling for strong winds with thunder storms. Quite a contrast from the great weather he had for the first few weeks of his trip.  A little rain was probably a welcome forecast as it would give him a chance to do some laundry and hit a grocery store to restock for the trip back down the bay.
We left to meet Kevin at noon on friday, the plan was to follow Kevin thru his SPOT Page and find a safe place to pull him out and load his boat and gear. SPOT technology is great, especially if you want to keep your tracks for future trips and also give your loved ones a visual reference point of your loacation.


SPOT Satellite GPS Messenger

The SPOT Satellite GPS Messenger provides a vital line of communication with friends and family when you want it, and emergency assistance when you need it. Using 100% satellite technology, SPOT works virtually anywhere in the world, even where cell phones don’t – all with the push of a button.

The majority of our planet is made of up of water. This could be why we’re so drawn to exploring it in kayaks and canoes. Ocean paddling, lake crossings, Class V or leisure floats, SPOT is the perfect accessory to take with you on your trip. SPOT provides a variety of satellite-based messaging features which come in handy on the water. Send live location updates to Google Maps™, check-in with your family back home or let others know where you are and that you need immediate help. SPOT floats and is water resistant so it works when you need it most.

Al: I arrived on Turkey Point near Elks State Park and got the camper set up before my kids and I tried the intercept with Kevin at a place we could pull him out and load him up. The internet singal on the laptop was really bad so I got only got a signal every few minutes.  This required me to wait for the SPOT page to update so I could drive the road, walk thru the woods and look down the cliffs to see where he beached. My kids and I cut through some private properity and down their steps to the beach looking for Kayak Kevin. We finally agreed to meet at the boat ramp on the river side of Turkey Point at Elks State Park. My kids and I ate some snacks and waited for him to come around the point. There he was and we gave him a big wave.  Kevin returned the kayakers hello with his paddle in the air. With a wave of the paddle 300 plus miles of the his Cheasapeak Bay Tour 2010 was complete.


Al: It was good to see how Kevin was outfitted for his tour, the kayak was rigged with a lot less stuff then I might have taken. After talking with Kevin about the stuff he brought, he says he elimianted the stove and gas and brings food items that don't require cooking. Most of his food rations are canned tuna and strawberry pop tarts. So, if you want to make his tour, send some strawberry pop tarts to his home address which you can get from his website. I was also surprized to see how simple an approach he had to gearing up.
Al: So what does someone take with them for an 8 week, 600 mile tour? Well, for Kayak Kevin it starts with:
  • 9 pounds of Strawberry Froasted Pop Tarts, which he does not eat when not touring.
  • 17 pounds of Tuna, in olive oil, not water with the paper label removed
  • 4 pounds of smarty candy's.
  • 8 gallons of water, Kevin prides himself on the ability to always maintain the ability have 2 gallons of Norwalk,VA water when he returns home.
  • 28 pounds of electronics that includes 3 HD camera's and case's by Sony and 1 Olympus Stylis Touch.
  • 30 pounds of additional gear that includes a tent, tarps, chair, camera mounts and misc gear in his self customized milk crate.

Ocean Kayak Manta

Ocean Kayak Manta, seen on left, was made in 2001 and there were only 1000 made. Why? I don't know, but when you look at it, especially the bow, you have to admire the lines. This kayak surfs on top of the waves. If you can find one, buy one. Kayak Kevins boat has over 2,500 touring miles on it. I wouild attribute this to the sea worthyness of an Ocean Kayak.

Al: Chris Parson (SJ FIsh Whisperer), Kayak Kevin and I sat listening to music from his ipod shufftle talking until the sun was down.
Bob (Mullet Miller) joined us for breakfast and a few laughs on Saturday.
Chris Parson: We had the opportunity to preview of some of Kevins' new footage that he shot over the last few weeks. Without giving too much away, he has a unique perspective of the environment around him and the scenery that it has to offer. From heart pounding waves and fish battles, to amazing wildlife video that would rival even the best National Geographic has to offer. Kevin has obviously taken his time on this project and seems to have found a way to bring the viewer into his kayak and on his adventure.
Al: It was time see Kayak Kevin off
Chris Parson: I was amazed at how Kevin managed to stowe all of his gear. He is definitely a true Tetris master from way back. Once we all were geared up, we headed out to fish the area around Elk Neck State Park. The water looked like chocolate milk from the previous days rain. We knew catching fish was unlikely, but we followed through with a full swing regardless. Al and the kids took a breather and landed their Advanced Elements Inflatable cliff side under the Elk Neck Lighthouse and had lunch. Kevin and I proved our insanity as we continued to cast over and over expecting a different result from each previous cast. Once Al and the wee ones rejoined Kevin and I, we all rounded the point to find 2 adult and 3 juvenile Bald Eagles. A sight that I see too little of in my native Cape May, NJ.
After a few hours of fishing, picture taking and water fights, it was time to see Kevin off. With hundreds of miles behind him and hundreds more to go, Kevin simply shook my hand, smiled, and said.... "catch up to you later". I wish him continued success on this, his 6th long range tour, and I look forward to fishing together in September.

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