DualFin and Bullet Bobber E-mail
Tuesday, 01 June 2010 07:26


I receive a lot of requests from companies. If it has anything to do with kayaks it seems to find its way to me. If I don’t see it having a direct affect for kayak fishing then I delete it. If it is a product that looks worthwhile I request that the company send me the product. That’s the case with a press release I recently received from DualFin. I asked them to send some and I’ll review them when I get them. They call the DualFin the big brother to another product I never heard of, the BulletBobber. Personally I found the press release confusing so I went to the website and checked them out. The BulletBobber is a fascinating device. I won’t try to tell you much about it because watching the videos does a much better job. Basically when we fish we cast, troll or still fish. We fish in two planes. These devices allow us to fish in three planes. After you cast you can move the lure around obstacles, back and forth, under trees and even away from you. No there isn’t a little motor in it either. It’s just an ingenious device. The DualFin bills itself as the worlds smallest planer board. I see definite applications for kayak fishing. Check them out at www.BulletBobber.com In the next issue I expect to have a review as I just received both products to test .


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