Kayak Fishing ClassicS, Weedon Island Classic Results E-mail
Saturday, 25 February 2012 09:20


Capt. Pat Horrigan, IGFA Certified Guide

National Director of Tournaments

Tropic Bay Kayak Fishing ClassicS


Tropic Classics logo 2012



Klosicki Takes Second Classic

P2183730 Rick Klosicki goes two in a row!

The Kayak Fishing ClassicS held their second tournament of the year, The Weedon Island Classic on February 18. Rick Klosicki decided to make it two in a row by capturing the First Place podium finish and the Series Lead. Klosicki hooked up on one redfish and two trout for the slam with a total of 64.3 inches for his repeat victory. It’s not easy to win a Classic and even tougher to win two in a row. Congratulations again Rick and Great Job.

Right on Klosickis’ paddle wake was another top angler, Marty Meakin. Meakin also slammed the Classic with a total length of 63.3 inches for the Second Place podium and control of Second Place in the Series Standings. The new scoring system is keeping it closer than ever and everyone including Meakin is enjoying the excitement.

MartyMeakinTroutFeb20126x5 Marty Meakin with Trout. Photo provided by Capt. Pat Horrigan

Marty Meakin also had a personal best by catching a fat and scrappy 26.3 inch Seatrout. The long battle was definitely worth it as it assured Meakin the Bending Branches Big Fish Award and a new paddle to go with all of the gear he won for his efforts. The big trout fought very hard and made three long runs. “It wasn’t your normal trout fight” said Meakin. “The first time I had him next to my kayak, he took a look at me and made a long second run. After the third run I had my net ready and brought him in. I think he would have made a fourth run if not for the net.” That’s exciting fishing Marty and congratulations.

Michael Teixidor also slammed with a total of 57.1 inches for Third Place in the Weedon Island Classic. The Miami angler has been coming on since last year and continues get better. Fishing different locations each Classic takes away the home field advantage and forces the anglers to rely on their knowledge of the target species. Where the fish should be, what they are eating, when they will do so are all part of the skills that the young angler is learning and it is showing for sure. Michael also won the RAILBLAZA Action Photo Award and a RAILBLAZA camera mount. Teixidor is now in the Top Ten in the Series. Great Job Michael.

Johnathan Ross was right up there with his slam of 56.2 inches and captured a very solid Fourth Place. Ross has definitely picked up the pace and taken his skill set to another level. His podium finish has placed him in the Top Ten in the Series Standings.

Joseph Lineberry was just behind Ross with a total of 55.5 total inches for his Fifth Place slam and a Top Ten placement in the Series Standings. The completion was stiff as he was closely followed by Otis Coblentz with 53.2 inches and Joseph Komyati with 39.7 inches. Lineberry had a great day on the water and introduced his wife to the sport of tournament kayak fishing. Deborah Lineberry almost showed-up all of the boys but that’s another story.

See all of the results, our sponsors and friends at www.KayakFishingClassicS.com




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